Saturday, November 26, 2005

Bicyclists are a bunch o' HOMOS.

You've seen 'em. Mincing little cocksuckers who think that just because they're on a 2-wheel "vehicle" that they're afforded the same leeway as a motorcycle. Nobody walks their bike across the street, they either ride it across or, worse yet, GET IN THE FUCKING LEFT TURN LANE. Never mind the fact that a bicycle simply doesn't have the mass to trigger the plate underneath that lets the signals know someone wants to turn. Or the fact that they just can't pedal away as fast as an engine can get up to speed. No, THESE fags want to make sure that you see them in all their rainbow-colored spandexed glory as they dangle their hairless legs (which are most likely shaved so they don't scratch themselves against each other in the shower - who the FUCK honestly believes that leg hair causes drag? Even swimmers are pushing that one!) and sport more maufacturer's logos all over their clothes than even the most hardcore ricers. If they didn't think it'd cause undue wind resistance, they'd leave the price tags on everything so you & I could marvel at how much they overspent on their superhero tights & are therefore better than you & I.

In most states, there's a bicycle helmet law. I'd like to see that amended to include a provision that FORBIDS "sport" bicyclists from wearing them. Fuckers are already brain-damaged as it is, what more harm could come from them splitting their head open as they skid across the pavement after I ram into them in my Honda? I'd like to see an amendment making it legal for me to run into them too. \:D/


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