Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My blood typo.

Today I called Kaiser Permanente to find out the results of all that bloodwork from a couple weeks ago. It's an automated service which reads the results to you, so you can't argue with them. It read off the results of 7 tests. 4 of them were simply "normal", and the other 3 were a number count which I have no idea as to their meaning. 52! 20.0! Hut, hut, HIKE!

I really didn't pay attention to the numbers cos I already have an appointment in a few weeks to go over the results. I just wanted to find out what my blood type was (c'monnnn, NEON!) The messages ended and I still didn't know my type, so I called the regular number & held for an operator. After a few calls back & forth, it turns out that the blood typing (which was what I called for in the 1st place) wasn't actually DONE. The ONE thing I actually WANTED to know didn't get done. CRAZY HMO MOTHERFUCKERS!

But, they did say I'm welcome to go back to give more blood, wheeeeee!


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