Sunday, November 27, 2005


Tonight my parents dragged me to this tree-lighting ceremony at the St. Regis Hotel in Dana Point. I like lights & all, but I just can't get all excited about seeing a huge tree lit up, especially when it's all white lights like everyone uses nowadays. Hardly anyone uses colored lights anymore, racist bastards. But it's something my mom really looks forward to & I suppose anything that'll help avoid her yearly I'VE HAD IT WITH CHRISTMAS, DON'T PUT UP ANY LIGHTS tirade, well I guess it's worth attempting.

It's a nice enough hotel (5-star, I'm told) that's practically on the beach & we got there as the sun was setting. I'm not generally someone who watches sunsets & stuff, but when you happen to catch one like this, well it IS kinda cool. I think I'm actually gonna look into getting a good camera, cos the pics I took with my phone (1.3mp) just aren't very clear once you transfer to the computer. The sun goes down, the lights go on, the carolers sing & the Chariman tries to announce a raffle, but the carolers dont' realize he's speaking so they just keep singing. The guy's accent is pretty thick, so maybe they just thought it was seagulls overhead or something.

First raffle was for a gift bag of soaps & shampoos. You know, the shit you'd STEAL from your room there. LAME prize, but the 2 people who won seemed pretty happy. Next was a swedish massage & I tried my hardest to will my parents into winning it. I just thought it'd be hilariously uncomfortable for the both of them, and isn't that what Christmas is really all about?

Third raffle was the big prize: An overnight stay in an Executive Suite. Executive Transvestite! They're a lot more widespread than you might think, y'know! They read off the ticket number & damned if it isn't the one my dad has! He turned 80 this year, but he took off like a shot when he realized he 'd won! It was a large crowd & the announcer didn't see him & was about to read off a new number for the prize, but my dad started waving his arms above him & yelling YOYOYO! One guy jokingly offered to take his ticket up for him, but my old man's no fool! He made it up there, got his prize & had his picture taken.

We met back up with my mom & she was insanely happy that'd "they'd" won XD She & my dad kissed & I saw a tear in his eye. I was touched, but I was also silently cursing god for not giving him the swedish massage prize.


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