Saturday, December 17, 2005

Paul W.S. Anderson is still a faggot.

I've just watched the "Unrated Edition" of Alien Vs. Predator. I liked the original version JUST enough to not return the box set my parents gave me earlier this year (the mini busts were far cooler than the movie.) If you've seen AVP, you realize that this is pretty much it for both franchises (stupid Fox had Cameron AND Ridley lined up for Alien 5 but decided this was a better idea. Possibly, but they just couldn't have made a worse choice for director. YOU could've made a better film than this.)

Paul W.S. Anderson (the W.S. stands for WORTH SHIT & it's an easy way to differentiate this cocksucker from the Paul Anderson that made Boogie Nights) has claimed since the movie was released in theaters that AVP was the victim of Fox's edits in order to acheive the PG-13 rating they insisted on (this DVD also has a PG-13 on the back, which should be a telltale clue.) After watching this new version, I can only conclude that a) Fox realized they killed their own franchises & wanted to milk this thing one last time, and b) Paul W.S. Anderson is as full of shit now as he was then. Cos this is one sorry fucking excuse for a director's cut.

First, a good chunk of the "new" footage is actually recycled from the outtakes of the 1st DVD. There's a feature on the DVD that shows an alien icon whenever a "new" or "unrated" moment comes, and it's laughable how many of these are from the 1st DVD, and how short and LAME the rest are. How lame? A couple of the "violent" moments boil down to blood being animated over existing scenes. BADLY animated blood. I'm talking hand-drawn, half-assed animation. It actually makes the scenes look worse.

Second, there's ONE new scene here involving Predators. And all it is is the 3 Preds deciding to split up in 3 different directions after entering the pyramid. FUCKING LAME. PWSA claimed he had all this really cool action footage that was cut out against his wishes, and that it'd end up on the (original) DVD. That DVD came & went without any of that, now here comes the Unrated Edition & we don't get any of those scenes here either. I shouldn't really be surprised though. After all, this IS Fox, who pulled the same shit with the 1st X-Men movie (X-Men 1.5) and will probably pull the same shit again with the upcoming X2.5 DVD. Fags.

Oh yeah, there IS a 2nd DVD in this set, and it's got a bunch of documentary stuff. But who the fuck cares about how a shitty movie was made? Maybe to use as an example of what NOT to do? It IS kinda funny, though, to see this prematurely balding Fox exec going on about how cool & great this movie's gonna be. Way to go Fox. Way to go Anderson. Fuck you both & I hope this turd was worth killing 2 franchises over.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


...who the hell's viewed my profile THIRY-TWO times? I don't even KNOW 32 people! I don't think I've met that many people in my life! Ponderous! Fucking PONDEROUS! PONDEROOOOOOSA PINE, OO-OOOOOOOOO! I wonder if it's more bots trying to sell me tires? Maybe it's the same person, acessing from different computers, looking to see if I've become someone else. Beauuuuuuuutiful buuuuutterflyyyyyyyyyy. Since Sabaku & Hana are the only ones who've posted anything here, I have to assume it's one of them. They're both whiteys, and whiteys can be verrrrrry crafty! Velllllly clafty! Cunning linguists! COLONEL ANGUS! I know it wasn't me, cos I just tried & the number stays the same each time.

Oh, hell...

grav, you sick, sick bastard.