Saturday, February 04, 2006


morninggraviton: ugh, I hate playing shooters without a mouse.
Ur Evl Twn: fruit
morninggraviton: Hey fago twin!
Ur Evl Twn: Fago Twin Powers activate?
morninggraviton: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
morninggraviton: Luckily that means our wangs to have to get close to the other's... as we aren't incestuous twins?
Ur Evl Twn: Okay, this has quickly turned down a path I'm not heading
morninggraviton: hahahah
morninggraviton: I love my powers of gross out.
morninggraviton: Fag... drakkar... I expect manliness from you! *has no idea wtf drakkar is*
morninggraviton: Sucks to be you.
Ur Evl Twn: Swallows to be YOU \:D/
morninggraviton: At least I'm polite about the whole situation.
Ur Evl Twn: Huh?
morninggraviton: As opposed to the spitting or the not letting in the mouth. I know no bounds.
Ur Evl Twn: :backs THE FUCK away:
Ur Evl Twn: Think LONG AND HARD before your next quip, boy.
morninggraviton: Built up sexual tension? Need to get some gay love?
morninggraviton: What's up in the farther southlands?
Ur Evl Twn: That sounds like a buttsex term
morninggraviton: Your area of expertise after all.
Ur Evl Twn: I got a snake bite. WILL YOU SUCK OUT THE POISON???
morninggraviton: Only if I get something in return!
morninggraviton: You are still not the world's greatest detective, not hawt.
morninggraviton: You do not comprehend my gayness for Bats, you lose.
Ur Evl Twn: Oh, I think I WIN
morninggraviton: Probably, but you're most likely gay because of the nipples.
Ur Evl Twn: I only mentioned the nipples cos I thought it'd get you hot
morninggraviton: Because it gets you so hot?
Ur Evl Twn: God damn, now I'm out of witty gay banter
morninggraviton: You are so gay, even the clerks realize this! I've never had some dude slip me his number ;P
Ur Evl Twn: You must just be ugly
morninggraviton: I kind of doubt it, I just exude straightness as opposed to your gay aura.
Ur Evl Twn: Says the guy who is admittedly gay for a fictional character
morninggraviton: Yep, and my gayness would probably also fall under the fictional category because of it, it definitely isn't your real gay factor.
morninggraviton: You seeing the bat this weekend?
Ur Evl Twn: Saw it tonight \:D/
morninggraviton: hahahahahahahaha, you are gay for bats! I haven't even seen it yet.
Ur Evl Twn: Nooo, I DIG Batman. I don't want his dick in my ass like YOU do
morninggraviton: Ohhhh, Ukyo is going to be in town the week ending of the 3rd for AX and raids on book-off... should we all try to meet up for gay party and searches? It gives me an excuse to go south into your territory.
morninggraviton: and good lord, I'm gay not stupid!
Ur Evl Twn: Hey, I calls em as I sees em
morninggraviton: hey dickwad! you going to be around next weekend in the orange county area?
Ur Evl Twn: Most likely, penis-breath
morninggraviton: hahahaha, second time I've been called that today... it must be the simpletons insult of the moment.
Ur Evl Twn: Or maybe we know something
morninggraviton: What penis-breath smells like?
morninggraviton: of course, I just called him bitch when he walked into work.
morninggraviton: but, I have to run, talk with you later, o ye of the spelunked ass.
morninggraviton: Aren't you supposed to be at work?
Ur Evl Twn: Aren't you supposed to be IN BED WITH SOME GUYS?
morninggraviton: Hmmmmmmmmmmm, only because you left birthday orgy and left us all exhausted.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: You are, I thought that was assumed in anything I say to you.
morninggraviton: No, I just thought even you, and your pitiful thinking capacity, could figure out that I think of you as a fag.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: gay dickwad.
morninggraviton: fag
Ur Evl Twn: fagger
morninggraviton: hot shit, ya fan of being on the recieving end of a cleveland steamer.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: homosexual
morninggraviton: did you get the gojira torrent to work? mine is getting a strange error.
Ur Evl Twn: no error, dl at 195k now
Ur Evl Twn: fag
Ur Evl Twn: DID get a connecting error 45 mins ago, but it's going strong now
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: gaywad
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: gaywad.
Ur Evl Twn: Ass spelunker
morninggraviton: fudge packer
Ur Evl Twn: butt pirate
morninggraviton: rump ranger
Ur Evl Twn: gerbil rancher
morninggraviton: ass licking penis puncher?
Ur Evl Twn: felcher
morninggraviton: dear lord, why do you know these terms, what have you been doing all your life?
Ur Evl Twn: XD I was abut to ask you the same before I remembered felcher
Ur Evl Twn: * about
Ur Evl Twn: haha, A BUTT
morninggraviton: I realize you have a fixation with the male ass.
Ur Evl Twn: Yes. Especially the ones I see at work. Nothing says lovin' like the ass of a 400-pound dispatcher
morninggraviton: I'm sure it does say lovin to you.
morninggraviton: Ye been busy sailing the chocolate seas again?
morninggraviton: do you have shitty connectivity with the haroharo tracker?
Ur Evl Twn: Dunno, that 1-36 torrent finished while I was out today & I haven't tried anything else there yet
Ur Evl Twn: But it seems to be uploading just fine
morninggraviton: I did good on that... but 37 and 38 are sucking balls, even more than you.
morninggraviton: sweaty, sour balls... can't even use torrentspy to get stats on them.
Ur Evl Twn: Hmmm... y'know, now that I think about it...
morninggraviton: Geof's epiphany of the day there....
morninggraviton: fag
Ur Evl Twn: cumguzzler
morninggraviton: faggoty fag fag.
Ur Evl Twn: Don't be all self hating now
Ur Evl Twn: it's SAD
morninggraviton: I see no self hatred there... at most, it would be like an african american calling him/herself a nigger.
Ur Evl Twn: You racist cocksucker! They'd say NIGGA!
morninggraviton: And you're such the authority on gangsta culture ;P
morninggraviton: hahaha, I got to insult you \:D/
Ur Evl Twn: AND demonstrate your penile obsessions too! \:D/
morninggraviton: Only with your penis!
morninggraviton: or I had to find a way to attack mari without it being tooooo flagrant that I just hate her.
Ur Evl Twn: you attacked her
Ur Evl Twn: with MY penis?
Ur Evl Twn: rat own
morninggraviton: wtf.... you're not so amazing at FF7... maybe that's your penance for matsukenya sambo
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: master a few all materia and sell them.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: ass
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: such a large vocabulary.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: hmm, think I know what I'll record... "I want to be as faggy as Geof"
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: I think you've established your sexual orientation already.
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: Geof:fag::absolute zero:cold
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: have you not been sucking enough cock lately?
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: a little low on the protein?
Ur Evl Twn: BIG fag
morninggraviton: You probably do like them big.
Ur Evl Twn: REALLY big fag
morninggraviton: How ya doin?
Ur Evl Twn: just fucking SPIFFY
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: heh... saw doom tonight, not as good as Batman Begins, but mildly entertaining.
Ur Evl Twn: TIMELY!
morninggraviton: did you ever get darth tater?
Ur Evl Twn: MONTHS ago
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: argh, I don't want to wait for batman any longer, star wars can wait. sorrrry, I forget you just own toys because you can't get the real thing ;P
morninggraviton: fag
Ur Evl Twn: BIG fag
morninggraviton: uber fag
Ur Evl Twn: Giga fag
morninggraviton: yotta fag and googolplex fag to cut you off at the pass for things that are measureable.
morninggraviton: Oh, and you're a fag if you get any sort of not black coffee at a stop 'n rob... and it was probably the shitty instant espresso that did you in.
Ur Evl Twn: At least I don't do coffee enemas, FAG
morninggraviton: You just do horse cock?
morninggraviton: fag
Ur Evl Twn: Oh, this again
morninggraviton: It at least gets a response from you... it allows you express your sexuality and not have to conceal it.
Ur Evl Twn: You are the faggiest fag that ever fagged, you fag
morninggraviton: w00t, I've fagged... whatever the hell that means.
morninggraviton: faggoty fag fag. Did you ever see the pop star pv?
morninggraviton: fag.
Ur Evl Twn: fug
Ur Evl Twn: ly
Ur Evl Twn: fag
morninggraviton: fag that can at least finish the act, better than being a stumbling idiot.
Ur Evl Twn: :walks away backwards:
morninggraviton: You lack the nerve to ever really freak me out.
Ur Evl Twn: You out-freak me, I'll give ya that
morninggraviton: gay monkey!
Ur Evl Twn: AIDS monkey!
morninggraviton: It's hard life sleeping with lots of women.
Ur Evl Twn: Must be even harder just sleeping & not FUCKING
morninggraviton: How did I get the AIDS from them then?
Ur Evl Twn: From fucking MONKEYS!
Ur Evl Twn: in AFRICA!
Ur Evl Twn: YOW!
morninggraviton: I've been to Africa?
morninggraviton: and some of the ladies had class, and you don't fuck a lady of class... you fuck skanks, or male whores in your case ;P
Ur Evl Twn: Yay! Then I'll never have to worry about fucking you
morninggraviton: Just dirty male whores.
Ur Evl Twn: Male-order bride?
morninggraviton: exactly, from thailand, I'm sure.
morninggraviton: fag.
Ur Evl Twn: purple helmet warrior
morninggraviton: ahhh, I didn't think you liked me that much... I figured you would call me your hated enemy, the vagina.
Ur Evl Twn: I'll callyou a CUNT, how's that?
morninggraviton: twat was that?
morninggraviton: I could always make the commentary that you collect girls like a fag, not uncommon to see a gay male just have female friends that stick up for him ;P
Ur Evl Twn: They just gravitate to me :P
morninggraviton: Showing that I can't possibly be as gay as you.
Ur Evl Twn: Well, I WILL give you that most of them are underage XD
morninggraviton: motherfucker!
Ur Evl Twn: Aunite Em!
morninggraviton: homosexual!
Ur Evl Twn: Homersexual!
morninggraviton: I didn't eat much... just drank a shitload of wine.
Ur Evl Twn: DELICIOUS wine?
morninggraviton: Some was delicious... I think I drank from about 5 or 6 different bottles, do a fair amount of damage to each one.
morninggraviton: Not quite, though I did have a delightful chardonnay with the food that worked out quite well.
Ur Evl Twn: FAG
Ur Evl Twn: you ASKED for that one
morninggraviton: Just because I have enough class to name the wine, doesn't make me gay like you.
Ur Evl Twn: The WINE part automatically threw you into fagland. NAMING it etched a plaque in your honor there
morninggraviton: hahahahaha... classless bastard.
morninggraviton: What's up wanker?
Ur Evl Twn: MISTER wanker to you
morninggraviton: asshat.
Ur Evl Twn: MIS...aaaah the hell
morninggraviton: faggort.
Ur Evl Twn: FagBORT
morninggraviton: fagbot.
Ur Evl Twn: fagBUTT
morninggraviton: fagfelcher?
Ur Evl Twn: fagfelcherbelcher!
morninggraviton: How's life, ass?
Ur Evl Twn: Not bad, dick!
morninggraviton: bastard.
Ur Evl Twn: bitch.
morninggraviton: man whore.
Ur Evl Twn: Gloryhole
morninggraviton: sperm collection service.
Ur Evl Twn: YOU LOSE
morninggraviton: A gloryhole doesn't do the collecting, you do that.
morninggraviton: faggity fag fag.
Ur Evl Twn: Oh, THAT doesn't sound gay at ALL!
morninggraviton: ho!
Ur Evl Twn: skank
morninggraviton: goyim.
Ur Evl Twn: Gayum
morninggraviton: fag!
Ur Evl Twn: It's a new year! Can't you do better?
Ur Evl Twn: Oh, and BIG FAG
morninggraviton: Why, it served be so well last year.
morninggraviton: perhaps, uber fag?
Ur Evl Twn: MEGA FAG
morninggraviton: petafag.
Ur Evl Twn: Ewww, those PETA chicks are FUUUUUUUUUUUUUGLYYYYY
morninggraviton: I'm surprised you noticed them, with all those hairy PETA dudes.
morninggraviton: man whore!
Ur Evl Twn: Is that supposed to mean I'm a man who's a whore, or I'm a whore for men?
morninggraviton: you're a man that's a whore whose clients are all men!
Ur Evl Twn: Ahhhh, now I know why you keep talking to me!
morninggraviton: I want to get you cheap, of course.
morninggraviton: fag ;P
Ur Evl Twn: cumshitter
morninggraviton: spermspitter ;P
Ur Evl Twn: Dude, I just called you someone who takes it in the ass, load & all, then squirts it out. Game over.
morninggraviton: At least I can derive physical pleasure, you just suck down cock and apparently enjoy the taste.
Ur Evl Twn: Your mind ticks in the most peculiar ways
morninggraviton: That's very true.
morninggraviton: You should have also realized that long ago.
morninggraviton: what, ho!?
morninggraviton: You would want to be a faggy 80s cartoon character.
Ur Evl Twn: It took you that long to come up with that?
morninggraviton: I just got back, cockgobbler.
morninggraviton: Yarrr!
Ur Evl Twn: What's wrong, dick stuck in yer ass?
morninggraviton: At least I'm not sticking paint rollers up them like you.
Ur Evl Twn: But they're CUSHIONED!
morninggraviton: And all you can get ;P
Ur Evl Twn: I'm sure I could get the underpaid workers to spread 'em, if I my name were only graviton
morninggraviton: Damn straight, I'm a sexy beast.
Ur Evl Twn: I dunno, when you say "Damn straight" it sounds like a condemnation
morninggraviton: hahah, good shootin, tiger ;P
morninggraviton: gay monkey
Ur Evl Twn: AIDS monkey
morninggraviton: genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia and the clap monkey.. oh, and crabs!
Ur Evl Twn: That's nice of you to share. I FEEL SPECIAL THAT YOU CAN BE SO OPEN
morninggraviton: Well, I figured I should let you know after the fact that you're going to get a few things.
morninggraviton: fag fag faggity fag fag.
morninggraviton: bastard
Ur Evl Twn: Sorry, not born out of wedlock
morninggraviton: Doesn't mean you aren't an asshole.
Ur Evl Twn: That I do not deny
morninggraviton: what in the fuck are you there?
Ur Evl Twn: Kicking some spanish kid's ASS at Mario Kart
morninggraviton: Way to go, jackass.
Ur Evl Twn: not LICKING
Ur Evl Twn: like YOU
Ur Evl Twn: fag
Ur Evl Twn: \:D./
Ur Evl Twn: That's a dancey with a mole
morninggraviton: I'm surprised you don't like all the faggots in LotR... and I'm sure you know all about anal 'rape'
Ur Evl Twn: the faggots are WOOD
morninggraviton: you like wood ;P
Ur Evl Twn: just funny that it's the word used
Ur Evl Twn: Oh HAHA
Ur Evl Twn: fuck, walked right into that one
morninggraviton: Yes.... jackass.
Ur Evl Twn: And now I must be off to bed. It was no fun talking to any of you tonight. YOU WILL ALL TRY HARDER TOMORROW :P
morninggraviton: I'm sure we won't!